I worked as a bartender at the old Waverly, NY American Legion several years ago.
One night as I was locking up the walk-in cooler in the back, I heard, "Hello? Hello?" coming from the bar area. It sounded like an eighty year old man looking for a late night drink.
I walked back out to the bar to tell the old man we were closed for the night, but there was no one there. I called into the other room, as well the bathroom, but no answer.
I dismissed it as I was tired and hearing things, and continued on to the kitchen to turn off the hotdog cooker.. Then I heard a crash.
I ran back out to the bar to find an unwashed glass shattered into three pieces- one piece where it sat, one further down the bar, and another across the room.
At that point, I was too freaked out to stay and finish my job, especially with the portraits of all the deceased veterans staring back at me. I left the back lights on and ran out of there.
I got some shit for leaving the lights on the next day from my boss, but I didn't feel comfortable talking about what had happened, so I just accepted it and tried to forget the night before.
OH Boy I can relate to your story .