Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pro Tip: Enforce A No Whispering Rule During Investigations


This is probably my most important rule, next to safety. I feel that if you whisper during an investigation (in which you are recording audio), you are leaving yourself open to create false evidence, which must be thrown out.

A lot of EVP manifests as whispered voices, which could easily be confused with our own if we whisper.

If everyone speaks normally, it is much easier to recognize your fellow investigators' voices while reviewing audio/video, and know what is EVP.

If you are guilty of whispering, it can sometimes be a tough habit to break, but it is important that you do so. And take a moment to remind your friends, too!

**If you catch yourself whispering, make a note of it immediately after, for playback, even if it's just, "That was my whisper. My bad."

[Guide To Choosing A Good Paranormal Investigative Team]

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